Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Hunt is On!

We started a new game in the fourth grade- students have to observe in the hallways as we transition to different places throughout the day to find panther paws. On the back of the paws, there is a math, reading, or science question. If they answer it correctly, then they can earn two panther sticks to spend in the panther store at the end of the month. They can find one paw every day until the end of the school year! Good luck hunting!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Results of the Egg Drop!

Students dropped their containers out the window- some of the little eggs survived and some of them are no longer with us...

Moon Phase Rap Song

Today we created moon phase books and we are learning the lyrics to this really cool song!

Venus Fly Trap

We have been studying living and non-living things along with plant life in our science class recently. A student was given a Venus Fly Trap as an Easter gift and brought it in to show our class. He said he got to see it eat a fly last night! Watch as he describes his new plant!

Egg Drop Outside!

We are completing an Egg Drop Project today by dropping raw eggs out our second floor window inside a container designed by each student, to see if their design will protect the egg from breaking! Watch and see some of the different designs students created to protect their eggs!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Skype to Italy!

Mrs. Amy Morgan, our library media specialist here at CCES, took time to Skype with us while she was on a week-long trip to Italy! She told us so many interesting facts about the culture, their currency, and about everything they got to see while visiting the country! The entire fourth grade went to our wonderful library media center and watched the live Skype on the big screen! (I'm sorry it's shaky- I was just a little excited!)

Okay, so I have tried multiple times to upload this video, but just realized, it's too large of a file. I'm sorry about that!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Book Feature- Read this Book!

Kobe A. did a book report on a book he read recently. Take a look and read this book!

Space Project Interviews Take Two!

These girls interviewed each other about their culminating project!

Space Science Project Interviews

Our first interview- Haley S. discussed with Presley R. about Presley's planet project. She made a stand-up model with a recording to describe what she did for her project and characteristics of each planet. Students were given a menu to choose their project to match their learning style preference. They were also given a scoring rubric before they began and were asked to score themselves after they completed their projects as a self-reflection.