I am so extremely proud of our fourth grade students! This year, like last year, we completed a service project to help others instead of exchanging gifts. For two weeks, students brought in canned goods to donate to our local food pantry and they brought in money to donate to our local chapter of The Salvation Army. The last day of school before Christmas break started, we had a little gathering and had a representative of the Salvation Army, Bud Nettles, come share with us what their donation would be used for in our community and the story behind St. Nick. Our Family Resource staff provided milk and cookies for all of our students after the guest speaker. We appreciate our guest speaker and the help of our FRYSC!
Our students brought a total of 441 canned goods and $235.10! Way to go fourth graders- what an example you have set for all of us to follow and you make all of us so proud!