Tuesday, May 21, 2013

K-5 Math Resources

Please visit the link above for great math resources for grades K through 5!    The following is from the website:

"Welcome to K-5 Math Teaching Resources!
This site provides an extensive collection of free resources, math games, and hands-on math activities aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Our math printables are suitable for use in math centers, small group or whole class settings. Instructions for each activity are presented in large print on a task card in child-friendly language to enable students to work on tasks independently after a brief introduction to the task. All files are in PDF format and can be accessed using Adobe Reader.

Also available are Math Journal Tasks (K-5), Math Vocabulary Resources (Gds. 2-5) and Math Projects (Gds. 3-5) for teachers looking for ways to support students' math writing skills while developing key concepts and skills. See our E-Books page for more information on these resources."

Monday, May 20, 2013

Curriculum Maps with Resources!

Here is an awesome resource that will be really useful next year and I wanted to share for all our fellow teachers!  I hope you find it useful!

Hardin Planetarium- A Summer Experience!


"Alien Hunters!"
An Out-of-This-World Experience!
2013 Summer
Science Investigation Camp



"Alien Hunters" is the 2013 Science Curiosity Investigation Summer Camp theme.

  • 8 am - noon, Monday - Friday, July 8 - 12, 2013
  • open to students in grades 3-6
  • $120 fee includes all project materials and daily mid-morning snacks
  • Participants will engage in fun, interactive investigations to stimulate curiosity, and encourage cooperative discovery and problem solving.

Camp projects, adventures and investigations will include such topics as:

  • It Is All In The Stars https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs174/1011169581054/img/23.jpg
  • Space Is An Appropriate Name
  • What Could Aliens Look Like
  • Life In Extreme Environments
  • Timeline For Life On Earth
  • How To Recognize Life
  • Finding Another World With Alien Life
  • Exoplanets In A Habitable Zone
  • E.T. Phone Home
  • Visiting Alien Worlds
  • Being Visited By Aliens

Photo Credit: The Daily News

Registration is limited to 20 students, so register early.
Registration may be completed on-line at
wku.edu/hardinplanetarium/ or you may register in person at the Hardin Planetarium or the Physics & Astronomy Office in TCCW 246.


If you have any questions or want more information, email us at
hardin.planetarium@wku.edu, or call 270-745-4044 during business hours.

Studio 214 Movie Night


          Students are getting geared up for our foruth grade movie night on Thursday- the night before our last day of school!  We had fourteen students who read twenty-five nonfiction books to be able to attend our movie night!  Stay tuned for pictures- it's going to be fun!

Mother's Day Flip Charts


          We made this flip charts for Mother's Day this year and attached it to a picture we had hanging in our classroom that was taken on the first day of school during this fourth grade school year!  They turned out really cute!  Students made cards for the aunts and grandmothers also!

Panther Strong

          This video was created to encourage all the third, fourth, and fifth grade students for the KPREP test!  Remember to be "Panther Strong"- please visit the following link to view the video!


Fourth Grade Class Picture

Here is our class picture- the year sure has flown by!

Team Building

          Today between testing sessions, we did a little team building task.  Students were in groups of five and were given ten ballons, twenty straws, and a roll of tape.  Their objective- create the tallest free standing structure possible and the winning group got a prize.  Some plans worked better than others and man- they were really competitive!


Hawaiian Day!

We had a water balloon toss and Alex was my partner and we won!

Hoola Hoop Game

When we ate our pizza, we had drinks with pink flamingo straws!


          Today was our Hawaiian Day!  We played games, had lunch outside in our Hawaiian courtyard, and had pizza and snow cones in the afternoon!  It was such a fun day and the kids have worked so hard to earn it!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Funny K-PREP Video- Teachers Dancing Behind Students

Good luck on the K-PREP, Studio 214!  Watch the video above for some great tips for next week- just kidding, but remember to use your Good Faith Checklist during each section and do your best!  We believe in you! 

Friday, May 3, 2013

CCES Derby Day

Here are the kids from Studio 214 that dressed up for the KY Derby Day!
They look they are reading to go tomorrow to the big race!
Fourth grade teachers, along with many other teachers in the building, were ready for the derby!

 Mrs. Valerie stopped by the computer lab while we were PAS testing!

They are ready for the race too!

          Today was KY Derby Day here at CCES and kids could wear their finest attire or dress as a jockey or trainer.  We learned about the history of the derby and what a big event this is for our state.  We also drew out a horse name to watch and see who will win tomorrows big race!  The winner will get a special treat from me next week.  It was fun to see everyone dressed up!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Silly Sentence Song

Our very own, Paris, wrote this song to help us remember the different types of sentences and it's awesome!  I think she has a future in song writing!  Thank you for sharing with our class!


Written by Paris

Declarative makes a statement.

Interrogative asks a question.

Imperative gives a command or request.

Exclamatory gives a strong feeling.

Those are all my sentences.