Monday, December 16, 2013

"Kicks for Kids" Shoe Drive

         Fourth grade led a service learning project to collect shoes to donate to our FRYSC.  They provide shoes to any students who needs a pair throughout the day if something happens to their shoes.  Our goal for CCES was to collect 100 pairs in three weeks.  Our local Cash Express business said they would donate pizzas to the homeroom who brought in the most pairs of shoes and Mrs. Kara's class won this prize!  We exceeded our goal and collected 206 pairs of shoes!  Thank you to everyone who helped us with this project!

First Ever CCES Dance

     We had our first ever CCES dance for 3rd-5th graders last Friday night and it was a blast!  The dance lasted a couple of hours and we sold pizza, water, glow in the dark items, and students could have their pictures made in the picture corner. 
     It was a great fundraiser and we have a special treat planned for our kids- it's top secret though!  We had the dance because our fourth grade students had a class election and each president and vice president had to run on a platform.  After the election, the elected officials had a special lunch with our administration at school to discuss the changes they wanted to see take place.  The president and vice president from Studio 214 wanted to have a dance to raise money to update our school.  They actually wanted to have one every Friday night from 7:00-11:00 and Ms. Lisa said we would start with one from 4:00-6:00.  (ha ha)  It was so much fun and I look forward to the next one!

CCES Christmas Choir

We were rehearsing for our performance at the December Cumberland County Board meeting last Wednesday night.  They sung our Panther morning song and "We Wish you a Merry Christmas".  I was so proud of them!

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream

FRYSC arranged for fourth and fifth grade students to have a lesson on the Ag Mobile to visit CCES!  Our students made their own ice cream, including making predictions, and recording their data using state of the art equipment!  Each group had their own iPad to record their information.  After they made their ice cream, they of course got to eat it!

Mr. Ballard visits CCES!

    We had a special guest speaker this morning during our morning assembly!  Mr. Michael Ballard joined us to explain how our local road crew helps keep the roads clear and ready for students to make their way to school each morning, especially during the winter months.  He explained what actually happens when brine or salt is put on the roadways- ask your child!  We also got a demonstration of the big dump truck when we left the assembly.  It was really cool!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"Unpacked" Common Core Standards

           Here is a great link that a friend shared with me recently that shows all the standards "unpacked".  This is so helpful because it gives specific content for each grade level that our students should be learning int he state of Kentucky!

Election Interview

This was an exclusive interview conducted by some of our election reporters!

Blog Report- Haley

Check out what we learned recently as reported by Haley!

Blog Report- Amanda


Check out what we learned this week as reported by Amanda!

Micah for President!

        We recently had a Presidential election in fourth grade to elect a fourth grade President and Vice-President.  All the candidates that ran for office got to have a lunch meeting with our administration and discuss their platforms and key issues!  They did such a great job!

TOMS for all Students!

Last week, every student at our school got a free pair of Toms shoes!  It was so exciting and we really appreciate the work our Family Resource staff did to make that happen!

Layers of the Soil

We made edible layers of soil during snack and discussed them as we ate.  This week, we will talk about which layer many fossils found.