Friday, May 23, 2014

Squared Away Science

I attend monthly meetings that focus each month on using the new science standards and how to assess those standards.  I have met some really awesome teachers at these meetings and one teacher shared a resource she created called "Squared Away Science", which is a formative check of our kids' learning.  We used this and completed some hands-on tasks recently.


Summer Websites

Here are some great websites you can use over the summer so your child does not get "Summer Brain Drain"!  Don't forget they also have a Math Whizz account and ScootPad account they can use at home also!

AR Reward Day

Students who had met their third and fourth AR goals got to jump on the jumpy houses!  It was such a beautiful day!

Team Building Game

We played this team building game recently for fun and they got pretty good at it by the end!

Creating Habitats

          We created habitats recently and students worked in groups to create their habitats according to the animals they were given.  They were able to look up information online and in print materials that we checked out from the library.

Festive Halls

The fourth grade teachers decorated the halls to surprise the kids when they came back to school before testing week!  We also hung an encouragement poster in the hall for them with their picture on it.  They were excited and we were too!


Last week we had a Mega Party and every student got to jump on the jumpy houses and it was a blast!

Minute to Win It

During testing week, to relieve stress and take a brain break, we played a few minute-to-win-it games.  These were so much fun and really funny to watch!




          Students got to pay $75 Panther Dream Dollars to attend our most recent vacation, which was a fan water day at CCES!  It was such a blast and sure to be a memory they will never forget!  This huge slip-n-slide was a huge tarp with soap sprayed on it and Mr. Eric sprayed it with the fire truck water hose.  It didn't take long for a huge mud pit to form at the bottom and that was just as much fun to land in and going down the slide.  They could also purchase water balloons for $25 to toss at their favorite teachers!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


          Today we are reviewing why we have shadows and why it appears the shadows moves throughout the day, even if we are in the same spot.  Why do we have shadows and what causes them to move?  We drew our shadows in the morning, at noon, and in the afternoon.  We also looked to see when our shadow seemed to be the darkest and lightest.

360 Dancing

Studio 214 dancing to find the circumference of a circle!

Egg Drop for Easter

          On the Friday before Easter, we did a little engineering in Studio 214 and students worked in team to create a "vehicle" to transport a raw egg from the second floor window to the ground safely!  I brought in supplies for them to use and we used the scientific method to conduct the experiment.  Students recorded all of their information and drawings in their science journals.  Every egg passenger survived!  That is the first time that has ever happened!  We had a special snack at the end of the day!




UK Player Visits CCES

A former UK basketball player visited CCES last week and spoke to the students about working hard each day and following their dreams!  He was so tall!

Student Experts- Gallery Walk

          We did a gallery walk last week in math class, where students travel in groups around the room to different stations to solve problems and work together.  It's great for discussion between students.  After we had completed the stations, the "student experts" went to their station and explained how their group members solve the problem and everyone checked their work and reflected on how they did on that target.  They did a great job of explaining what they did to solve!

KY Derby Day

We learned about the history of the KY Derby and had a dress up day on Friday!  Everyone looked so nice!