Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fossil Rock!

We are studying fossils and we are learning a song that teaches us what fossils can tell us about the past and how they are created.

Monday, October 27, 2014

KPREP Reward Rally

We are very proud of all the hard work for our Panthers all last year's KPREP!  Students were recognized today for scoring proficient and distinguished and we know next year will be even better!  Hard work pays off and we have the greatest kids around!  There were students and parents cheering for our fourth and fifth graders as they marched into the gym!

CCHS Panther Marching Band Performance

This morning during our morning assembly, we had a special treat!  We got to hear the CCHS Panther Marching Band and it was awesome!  They will be performing this Saturday in the semi-finals and we want to wish them the best of luck!

The Golden Shoe

Our homeroom won the "Golden Shoe" award last week by having great hallway behavior!  Keep up the great work, Studio 214 Cast Members!  I'm so proud of your leadership behavior!

Fossils Scientific Investigation

Today we began our study on fossils and students got to use a magnifying glass to investigate and describe different types of fossils.


What's faster- bowling ball or golf ball?

After taking a look at our study guides this week, there was a misconception that students still had about inclined planes, so we did an experiment to sort things out!  

You can see in the picture below, where students made predictions about what they thought would have a greater speed rolling down the ramp.  (Research shows that if students predict and write their prediction down, they will retain more information.)  We conducted our tests and found the speed of each object on two different heights of inclined planes.  The results speak for themselves!

UK Opera

We had a special treat today with the UK Opera performance!  It was so amazing and I'm glad our Panthers get to enjoy experiences such as this!  THANK YOU, FRYSC!

Student Reflection and Data

Yesterday, we took an assessment over force and motion and as part of a reflection, students used the "stars and stairs" strategy to think about what they did well on the test and something they still need to work on.  On many students' reflections, they noted that they needed more help with ordered decimals (we had a tough racing question where they had to compare speeds).  So today, we did just that before we worked on an extended response and the exit slip showed it helped!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

"Panthers Rock" Flash Mob

At our leadership assembly this week, our fourth grade students cut a rug!  We performed by singing "Panthers Rock" leadership song and did a flash mob and the entire school joined us!  It was so much fun!


This is the link from WBKO of our Leadership Assembly!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Student Led Mind Map Session

Last week, we had a cast member lead our mind map session to reflect on the week and gather writing ideas for our Friday Journal.  She did a great job!  (A mind map is a organizer that uses words and pictures.)  She is sitting by the document camera and her work is being displayed on the board.  She also called on students and led the discussion before writing the letter to her family!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Roller Coaster of... Motion

Today we did several trials to create a roller coaster to discover at which points the cart goes the fastest to wrap up our study of force and motion.  We read the book "Roller Coaster" and made text-to-self connections first, before we started our trials.  We listened to a karaoke version of "Roller Coaster of Love" while we completed our trials!



  This lesson came from "Picture Perfect Science" teaching resource, from NSTA.

Inertia Experiment

We did an experiment this week to follow-up our learning about inertia and why it's important to always wear your seatbelt in a vehicle!  We used my son's little Car's shake and go car and placed our "test dummy" on top to model what happens when we don't wear those seat belts.  Science in ACTION!


Slow Down, Nelly!

This week we have been learning how friction is a force that causes things to slow down because two things rub together.  Today we tested three different surfaces to see how far our object would travel down each, measuring in inches.  We have lots of wonderings to test tomorrow!

Public Speaking

The cast in Studio 214 chose a project to complete about a region of Kentucky (of their choice) and wrote speeches to give about their regions as well.  They were a little nervous but did a great job!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


We have been working hard conferencing this week!  Students partnered up to revise and edit their narratives and we will be publishing next and ready to add to our writing folders by Friday!


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Be Proactive!

We are learning more and more about being proactive in Studio 214, at events in our community and home!  We talked today about "creating our own weather" as well!


Learning to be Leaders

Our students at CCES are learning how to be leaders in the gym!  They learned what is expected when sitting down after the pledge, standing up for announcements and leaving, and how to respond to performances!

Squiggle Creative Writing Task

Crew members in Studio 214 completed this creative writing task for morning work this morning and they were so creative!  You can see what they started with and what it ended up as!

Sweet Treats

One of our precious crew members brought cupcakes for everyone today to enjoy during snack, "just because".  I sure do love our crew in Studio 214!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

KY Projects

The crew in Studio 214 were given a few option on their Kentucky Projects we are using to wrap our study on Kentucky Geography and settlement history.  They got to choose their region to research, using print and non-print resources and they got to choose their product: a poster, a brochure, or an article.  They were given their rubric before they began and will score themselves before they turn in their work.  They will also give a one minute speech to tie in ELA standards.  I can't wait to hear their speeches!  They've been working really hard!



We are working on learning this song in the entire fourth grade, and the dance also, to sing for our school and to do for brain breaks throughout the year.  It is to the tune of Taylor's Swifts' new song "Shake It Off" and is all about how our fourth graders are learning to be leaders and PROUD PANTHERS!

Studio 214 Productions: Leaders

We created this using iMovie and our Paparazzi took the pictures!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Duck Dynasty Pumpkin Book Characters

Here are our Duck Dynasty Pumpkin Book Characters: Jace, Willie, and Uncle Si!

The Gravitational Pull Does What? (Dropping Races)

We had a "dropping race" today in science to see how gravitation pulls things toward the center of the Earth.  Many students believed that the objects with more mass would fall quicker to the floor than the smaller objects.  (We discovered this through our predictions.)  Then we tested and boy, were we surprised!  We recorded our drops using a free ap called "Slow Pro" and watched them a second time after we did the drops.  A student dropped and another recorded each test.  We also had floor judges too.

If you would like to see what your weight is on the moon, visit this site!

We had a wondering during the class and because I was afraid to test these two objects for fear of tearing up the flooring, we googled it! (bowling ball and a tennis ball)

Our second wondering: ball bearing and a feather!