Thursday, May 28, 2015

Summer Reading

Start your summer reading this week!  Don't put it off!  Below is a list of great books to read this summer.  We have a summer reading goal of 20 points and if you reach that, you will get to attend a Back to School Bash on the first day of school!


We completed an art project in science today- blow art!  We looked at some examples of blow art online and discussed ideas of what to create.  It was really cool to see all their ideas and view their finished products!

Friday, May 22, 2015

How Did They Do That?

We conducted our last experiment for the year today in science class!  (Enter sad face) I did this experiment for the first time when I got to attend the Mickelson EsxonMobil Teachers' Academy in New York City at the Liberty Science Center and it was so AWESOME!  I will never forget attending this amazing academy and encourage all 3-5 grade science and math teachers to apply at!

Students had to figure out how to get the egg in the glass of water, without breaking it, only using a broom.  The egg is positioned on a toilet paper holder and is sitting on top of a pizza pan, on top of the glass water.  Seems impossible, right?  It's NOT!  They figured out how to complete the mission with success and it was fun!  It was also a great way to review force and to remember that an object at rest or motion will stay at rest or motion, unless acted upon by an outside force.  SCIENCE IS COOL!

(Watch only after you have completed your experiment!)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Testing Halls for KPREP

We decorated our fourth grade hallway with a theme for testing week, to surprise our kids and get them pumped up!  We chose a camping theme "Camp Success"!  We hung each child's picture up with an encouraging note, written on a tent.  The kids loved it!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Fossil Find

I love it so much when students find science on their outings and bring it back to share with the class!  Sydney found this rock with fossils imprinted and brought it back to share with our class!

Funny Friday- Spirit Week

Today is Fun Friday for our spirit week!  We've seen everything from mismatched clothes, super heroes wearing tutus, crazy hair, and yes, that's bacon in the back! lol

Hands-On Plate Tectonics

Today we learned about how plate tectonics move past each other and that they are always moving on the surface of the mantle!  We used graham crackers and marshmallow cream to model the ways plates move (convergent, divergent, and transform.)  We also watched Bill Nye: Rocks and Soil, while we ate our plates!  

When we watch a Bill Nye video, we use the "Give One, Get One" strategy, where students make notes about what they learn and then they pick a partner to share their facts with so they are giving facts and getting facts.  The person with the most facts in all, gets a prize!

How plates move...

Plate Tectonic Model (Plates and mantle)

Give One Get One- Science Journal

 Layers of the earth model with play-dough.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Butterfly Life Cycle

We are watching the stages of the life cycle happen before our very eyes!  We have caterpillars now (larva), but very soon, we will have some butterflies!

Spirit Week- Twin Day

It is spirit week at CCES and Tuesday was Twin Day- third, fourth, and fifth grade teachers dressed as twins!

Mega Party

We had our Mega Party at school this week and it was a blast!  It was also Jackson Day and he was the principal for reaching his 1,000 AR points!  We are so proud of him!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Investigating Sound

Our investigation question today was "Why does the jar with the most amount of water have a lower pitch than the jar with the least amount of water?"  Students read with their partner and discussed to figure out the answer to this question.

Dissecting Owl Pellets

We dissected owl pellets last week to learn about the types of things owls eat and to continue our learning about the food chain and food pyramid.  Students found some cool bones and skulls!

Derby Day History

We had some special guests to share with us their experiences in horse racing and training horses.  We all learned so much about how horses qualify for the KY Derby, the training that takes place, and even how the silks are created for the jockeys to wear during the race.

CCES Spring Carnival

Our Spring Carnival at CCES was such a success!  We raised over $13,000 for our school gym to be renovated this summer!

Lost River Cave

We had an amazing field trip to Lost River Cave in Bowling Green, Kentucky!  Students learned so much and it was a great review about animal adaptations and habitats!