Friday, June 19, 2015

Summer Brain Drain Remedy

This link has an awesome resource you can use to make sure your child does not get the dreaded "summer brain drain"!  Just reading and working a little each day will help them start back to school in August on the right foot!

Engineering Design

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the Science Camp Week at GRREC and we completed all kinds of interesting tasks that we will be able to bring back and do in our classrooms during the next school year and I can't wait!  We made robots for art and that was my favorite thing of all!

This is a flash light we made out of supplies they had given us and it worked!

Talking Behind Backs

We did this little activity on the last day of school to add to our memory books and it's called "talking behind backs".  Students have a sheet with their name on it, taped to their back and students write on it, the kind things they think about that person.  It's a very encouraging task and a great thing to be able to keep and look back at later on!

Special Guests from Kansas

We had some very special visitors during the last week of school, coming all the way from Kansas!  My sister's family got to visit and her husband got to share with us his career in the United States Army.  He is a helicopter pilot currently and will be flying drones this time next year in Alaska!  We were so glad they got to stop by and visit and share with Studio 214!

Day at the Park

Toward the end of the year, students got to spend an afternoon at Veteran's park and we had so much fun!  We played relay games, kick ball, on the playground and just hung out.  When we got back to school, we had snow cones!


We completed a S.T.E.A.M. project during the last week of school and it's my goal next year, to complete a project during each unit.  We did a "blow art" task where students were given straws and paint and had to apply air force to paint their pictures.  We reviewed forces with this project.

Fly Away, Butterflies!

On the last day of school, we released our butterflies and it was bittersweet!  We had watched them go through their life cycle and during the last week of school, they turned into butterflies!