Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Bouncy Balls!

Today we had a special visit from the University of Kentucky Ag Bus where we got to create biodegradable corn plastic and turn it into our very own bouncy balls!  Students reviewed the meaning of non-renewable resources and states of matter during this project!  We would like to say a special thank you to FRYSC and our Conservation District Office for sponsoring the Ag Bus for us!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Gallery Walk- Say What?

We have been learning about how to use quotation marks correctly and so today, we did a gallery walk and students worked together to figure out the sentences written correctly.  After our gallery walk, they created a "scene" with two characters talking to each other so I could see if they could be successful creating quotation sentences.

Super Leaders using Super Senses

We are learning about sense receptors in Studio 214 and so today, we used our senses and figured out some mystery substances to lead us in to what we were learning about with "Super Senses".  Did you know dogs can hear four times better than humans and that some animals have a magnetic sense?

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Leader in Me Symposium Presenters

Some people from our school district were honored to travel to Owensboro this week to share with people from across the South Central United States about how Leader in Me has helped us make huge student growth within the past two years.  Ron Clark was the keynote speaker and he was so motivating!

Sharpen the Saw

Many of our teachers at CCES go to "sharpen the saw" recently when we went to paint and to eat together!  It was a lot of fun!

Super W.I.G.

Fourth grade has a super W.I.G. for every student to get 100 vocabulary words on AR by Christmas and 200 vocabulary words by May.  Our homerooms are in competition with each other to see who can get the most words!  We have it posted in the hall so they can keep up with their status.

Veteran's Day WebQuest

Students in Studio 214 completed a WebQuest last week to learn more about Veterna's Day.

Veteran's Day Celebration

We got to visit Cumberland Valley Nursing Home to celebrate Veteran's Day!  We sung "God Bless America" and passed out special letters we had made for our local Veterans and they sounded amazing.  We are so thankful for their service to our country and for protecting our freedom!


Students have been using Quizlet to study important vocabulary words in science!