Tuesday, August 2, 2016

RCA Overview

I have become quite obsessed with the Ron Clark Academy!  If you have not heard of their school, you should watch this short video about their school.  They not only inspire their own students but teachers around the world!

The second link is a link to Hope King's classroom tour- it is AMAZING!  Check it out!

Studio 214 Additions!

We've been hard at work this summer, improving the looks of Studio 214!  We've added some new seating and furniture!

Remind 101

Be sure to sign up for our homeroom/science Remind text!  We will use this throughout the year to send home important information, reminders, and our weekly newsletters and study guides!

2016 Postcard

Get out your QR Code Scanners and scan our postcard online to see what's happening in Studio 214 and what you have to look forward to throughout the school year!

V.I.P. Passes

So instead of just boring, old name tags, we now have special, V.I.P. passes for Studio 214!  They're going to serve double duty and will be used for brag tags for the Leader in Me as well!

We're Coming to See You and We're Bringing Gifts!

We are doing home visits for the first time this year and we are so excited to see you!