Monday, May 23, 2011

Career Day

Today was our Career Day and it was so much fun! Students took a survey a few weeks ago to see which career would best suit their personality and their interests. (The link to the survey was posted earlier in the month on our blog.) We did a little research and students found out some great information about those areas. FRYSC helped us organize our career morning at Dale Hollow State Park where we had community members come share with us about their careers. We really appreciate the many people who came to volunteer their time to speak to our kids today! After our career clusters, we enjoyed a lovely meal at the lodge, which was such a treat! During the afternoon, we paused for a moment to take pictures of our career costumes and then it was time for our Parent "Show and Tell". We had many parents visit our classroom this afternoon and my dad was able to come and share with the class too- which was very exciting for me! We had a wonderful day- it's always important to remember as adults and students- we can accomplish any dream or career as long as we work hard and NEVER give up! I saw an awesome motto recently that I really love and might use as my class motto next year. It said, "Excelling without excuses!"