Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fourth Grade Supply List

The first day of school is around the corner and I cannot wait for school to start! Here is a list of what you will need in fourth grade for the upcoming school year! The countdown has begun!

To be successful in our rooms, the following items are highly recommended. Trapper Keepers do not fit well in student desks, so you can save your money and skip those. Please label all student items with a permanent marker. Please note- this list of items is designed based on desk space and budgets. If the school supplies from last year are in good shape, please use them.

* 2 packs of #2 pencils
* Crayons (24 Pack)
* 4 plastic folders with pockets for organization (green, blue, red, yellow)
* Zipper pouch (boxes are too big for our desks and if dropped, they break easily)
* 1 yellow or pink highlighter
* 2 composition notebooks (example: black and white marble notebook)
* 2 packs of loose leaf paper
* Scissors
* Clear or mesh backpack
* 1 box of Kleenex
* 1 container of disinfectant wipes
* Permanent marker for Art Class
* $5.00 for an agenda