Thursday, November 3, 2011

School of Rock Math Stations

The station above focused on sorting multiples fore numbers 2 and 3 into a Venn Diagram. If the multiples they drew from the bag were not multiples of 2 or 3, then they layed it off to the side. We used the Halloween glow sticks to create the Venn Diagram since this was the day we were dressing up to celebrate Halloween, but they did not glow long enough! After students sorted all the numbers, they recorded the information from the Venn Diagram into their science and math journals, so I review it later in the day.

The station above reviewed a concept we covered during a recent science unit on how to measure using grams as the unit of measurement. Students had several items to weigh and then they had to take those findings and create a bar graph to display the data. This was an eye opener and a quick way to see if students really understand how to create graphs!

This was the third station of the day- creating factor kites. Students drew out a number from a bag and then they had to write down all the factors for that number on the kite tails. Once they had checked their work with their think-pair-share partner, they constructed their kite and we have the kites displayed in our room.