Monday, March 5, 2012

Fraction of a Set Hands-On Task

This morning our learning target in math was to decompose fractions. What in the world is decomposing a fraction? Well, the students had to find the fraction of a given set. If they were given the number twelve, they had to find what would be 2/3 of twelve be?

I love using methods from the Van de Wall resource book, where students are encouraged to discover how to solve problems and concepts- they are not just taught an algorithm to apply to problems. Students were given a problem this morning and they solved it with their think-pair-share partner using counters. I was very impressed with their thinking! The great thing about learning concepts in this manner is that each student can discover their own way of solving the problem and still be correct. When we have those discussions in class with our group members, students can learn new ways of thinking!