Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hillshire Farm- GO MATH!


We used this commercial to create a chant like the Hillshire Farm commercial to remember the difference between factors and multiples.  I don't know about you, but I love funny commercials and they get stuck in my head!  I got the idea from attending the Kentucky Math Conference.  At a session we attended, the presenter suggested using tv shows, commercials, and songs or anything in pop culture to tie in content curriculum because in general, students watch television so often that when they see those things at home at night, it would remind them of what we studied at school!  Genius! 

The students helped write this chant and they did a great job!  I hope you enjoy and don't forget the difference between a factor and a multiple! 

Here are the lyrics to the chant if you would like to use it.  One person leads the chant, while the rest of the class repeats.

Go Math!  Go Math!
I say let's multiply,
I say let's multiply.
I say let's multiply the factors and get the multiples.
When I say mutiply, you say factors.
Multiply- factors.