Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Exit Slips

A quick way that I check to see if students have mastered a target is through the use of an "exit slip".  We write our answers on a post it note and stick it on our Mind Map on our way out the door. 

We used one this morning to check understanding of writing numbers in standard form from word form.  Six students had mastered this concept, so during our math lesson, they were assigned a different task that was more difficult.  The rest of the class had another lesson using white boards, to practice this target.  By the end of the lesson, it was easy for me to see that I only had four students left out of the class that still needed more practice.  They got extra practice during RTI (our intervention time) this afternoon using IXL (an online math program) and I will give them another question tomorrow to see if they mastered it.

This is such an easy strategy to quickly see who has mastered a target and who needs a little more practice and doesn't require me grading a stack full of papers.