Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fourth Grade Service Projects

Service is very important to us fourth grade teachers and we have three projects we focus on throughout the fourth grade school year.  One is our school courtyard project which we completed last year.  We worked with the highschool FFA and local business members to create a school courtyard for all the students and staff at CCES to enjoy.  We volunteered to make sure the courtyard would be taken care of for the following years.  Yesterday, some students from each homeroom volunteered to help pull some weeds and they did a great job!

Another project we will work on is at Christmas.  At that time, we bring in canned goods and a dollar donation to give to a local charity to help those in need.  Our last service project is one the entire school participates in, we just manage it.  We collect the pop tabs to donate to the Ronald McDonald Organization that helps families with sick children by providing them a place to stay while their child is receiving treatment at a hospital.  We can learn so much by helping others!