Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Touring Studio 214!

This is Studio 214- your child's classroom in fourth grade!  Let me tell you- I am so excited to begin the school year!  Here is a little tour of our "studio"...

This is our reading corner, located near the front of our classroom.  I have added magazines and newspapers to our classroom library this year for the students to enjoy!  We also have new seating.  It is still a work in progress, but will be ready soon.

These are some of our classroom jobs.  We have nine jobs in all, but some of them are jobs that are completed just once each week.  I have a "Stand-In" also in case we have anyone who is absent when they are supposed to complete a job.  The "On-Set Reporter" will be responsible for writing a report and recording it for our blog.

This poster is hanging by our reading corner.  I saw an example on Pinterest and loved what it said! 

This is our "Student of the Week" chair.  When a student has earned the honor, they will have the opportunity to sit in the chair during their week and they will keep the traveling trophy at their seat as well.


Rolling out the red carpet- for the "Back to School" night, we taped down red paper to mimic the red carpet in Hollywood.  I just love themes!


Here is our small group area- I made these crate seats this summer to use at our table and I'm going to use the inside of each seat for storage.  They were really simple to make!

We have a class pet, which is a fish.  His name is Regis.  He is a Beta fish and sits at our student computer station.  We are very fortunate to have four student computers at this station.  We will be using them a lot!

Each day, I post what we are learning on our "Now Learning" board.  It's located in the front of our classroom so it is easy to see throughout the day.


The drop box is located beside my desk and when students have a bus pass, Scholastic book order, or a note from a parent, they will place it here as soon as they come in our room and they're getting ready for the morning.


The Bully Box is a place for students to report bullying.  I made a sheet for them to complete- sometimes students want to say something, but they're scared to tell someone face-to-face.  We will have a lesson on this during the first week of school explaining what bullying is and how to handle the situation if they see it or it happens to them.

Director's Chair- The student who reports each week will report from the director's chair, unless they report "live on location" from a different area in the school.  It is a class job this year so every student will get the opportunity to report!  (Last year I just took volunteers, but I think all students should try it once, even if they get nervous being in front of the camera.)