Friday, September 14, 2012

"National Dot Day"

          September 14 is National Dot Day!  We read the story "The Dot" and watched the video from YouTube.  We also read another story to tie into our conversation from earlier in the week about the tragic events of September 11th.  The book was the "Fireboat- The Heroic Adventures of the John J. Harvey".  We completed a "Tabletop Twitter" which is where students write notes to each other about a given topic.  Their topic was "What makes a hero?"  It was really interesting to see their responses.  Our last task was to complete a Venn Diagram with our think-pair-share partners comparing the heros in each story.  On our way to recess, we created a "Dot Tree" with our finger prints.  I am going to mat it and frame it to hang in our room.  I think it turned out great and the kids were proud of it too!

VIDEO of "The Dot":

Our artwork is the size of a movie poster and it turned out really cool!

Students are writing notes to each other.

Tabletop Twitter- I borrowed this idea from a colleague!