Friday, March 15, 2013

Duck Dynasty AR Competition

          We just wrapped up our six week AR Duck Dynasty competition and Mountain Man come out with a win!  Our class was divided up into six teams and each team got to pick their team name from the show "Duck Dynasty".  Si was in the lead early on by over twenty AR points, but teams slowly snuck up on him.  There were students who really wanted to win because they took home chapter books and read a certain number of pages each night and we ask each other the next day if they read enough!  Their plans worked because Mountain Man came in from fourth all the way up to the lead by getting over 111 AR points in six weeks!  Si was close behind at 107 points.  Team Mountain Man will enjoy milkshakes on me this week!  I'm a little sad to take down our Duck Dynasty pictures, but we must go on. :)

          The next AR competition is going to be geared around March Madness and they got to pick their own college basketball team and we have new teams!  They created their own team mottos too.  Stay tuned for the winners in six more weeks!