Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Science Academy

          This summer I had the opportunity to attend a science academy provided by GRREC in Bowling Green.  We had some of the greatest classes that focused on the new science standards that have been released this year and will be assessed next year.  Below you will see some of the tasks we completed that focused on engineering.  We were given materials, but no plans.  We had to experiment and discover to see what worked best and what did not work at all.  It was a trial and error process and we learned so much through that process!  I can't wait to complete these tasks in Studio 214!

We had to create a tower with the materials you see (and only had a certain amount of each) that could hole one of those science books you see on the back counter.  They were heavy!  If our tower could hold the book, you succeeded, but if it did not, your tower failed.

You notice that the "Pinwheel Princesses" won with 247- that was the fourth grade teacher from CCES!  We were so excited!  We had to use juice carton, paper, straws, and popsicle sticks to create a windmill that could pick up the most weights.  The picture below was our final product.