Thursday, November 21, 2013

Trip to the Judicial Center

     We are wrapping up our Government Unit in Social Studies and culminated it by participating in a mock trial at our Judicial Center with the Honorable Judge Kristie Costello residing.  Some high school students from Ms. Sue Elise's class were the lawyers, defendant, and witnesses, and our fourth grade students were called up for the jury.  They even got to deliberate and give their verdict and sentence.

      After the case was over, we got to take a tour of the center.  Many students had never been there before so this was a really neat experience!  (The mock trial was Gold E. Locks- being tried for trespassing and destruction of property.)

Studio 214 Class Members at the Judicial Center

Honorable Judge

Jury selection

Baliffs being sworn in to court

Foreman of the Jury- Announcing the verdict

Papa Bear- Witness

High School students as witnesses and the defendent.