Sunday, January 26, 2014

Christmas Service Project- Paying it Forward

     Each year at Christmas, we work on a service project in fourth grade in place of exchanging gifts with each other.  The students bring in donations for the Salvation Army and canned goods for a local food pantry.  This year, our students raised almost $100.00 and brought in over 400 canned good items to donate!  We have a special presentation on the last day and the local President of our Salvation Army chapter comes to accept the donation and speak to our students.  The FRYSC also provides milk and cookies for them as a special treat.  It is such a great learning experience and really teaches us that it is better to give than receive!

Listening to Mr. Nettles, our Salvation Army President

This is a picture of my sister and my niece.  They got to visit us for a little while on the last day and have lunch with me at school.  She lives in Kansas and doesn't get to visit often.  I was so excited!

Enjoying some milk and cookies!