Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Mission: 12 Days of Giving- SUCCESS

Today we wrapped up our 12 Days of Giving: Christmas Mission and all I have to say is WOW!  Today, we started a new Christmas tradition by going to the Nursing Home to sing Christmas carols and deliver the gifts we collected on two of our days of giving (socks and lotion.)  We collected 95 pairs of new socks and 25 bottles of lotion to give to the nursing home residents.  Watching our kids hand the elderly the gifts and sing carols as we walked through the halls made me get choked up!  That is what Christmas is truly all about!

We also collected donations for the Salvation Army and the president of our local Salvation Army came to speak to our students and we get to present our donation of $87.34!  The Family Resource provided milk and cookies for our students after Mr. Bud shared with our students about how the Salvation Army organization helps people in need.  He also did a neat presentation and reminded students not to let their lives get so "stuffed" at Christmas that we forget what it is all about to begin with.  Our hats and gloves that were donated will be delivered over Christmas break to a homeless shelter in Memphis, Tennessee by a local lady who is going to serve meals on Christmas Day.  The shoes and coats will be taken to FRYSC to give out to our kids at school, as needed.

Day One: Non-perishable food items 118 items
Day Two: Salvation Army Donation $87.34
Day Three: Socks 95 pairs
Day Four: New/Used Coats 33
Day Five: Toys 92
Day Six: New/Used Shoes 27
Day Seven: School Supplies (We received lots of items!)
Day Eight: Bottles of Lotion 25
Day Nine: Winter Hats 25
Day Ten: Gloves 39 pair
Day Eleven: Non-perishable food items (again)
Day Twelve: Salvation Army Donations (again)

Thank you for giving- it is better to give than receive!