Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Flip the Sign!

We recorded this little snippet this week to include in our morning procedures and we call it "Nominations and Flip the Sign".  (I got this idea from a blog a friend shared with me that is so awesome!)  Our leader of the week leads this part of our day and students know that when they hear the song, that is their cue to gather their things and stand behind their seat.  Then our class L.E.D. sign for Studio 214 is turned on (like flipping the sign for a business means they are ready for the day), signaling that we are ready to learn and be leaders!  We then nominate students who have been leaders the prior day and students call out names and tell how they saw them being a leader and they get a dream dollar!  We are working towards identifying how our cast is using the 7 Habits!

This is our song we sing to start the day!

It's hard to hear, but students are nominating each other for Leader in Me habits they saw each other doing!