Thursday, March 5, 2015

Leader in Me: Setting and Tracking Goals

Setting goals are super important, whether they are academic goals or personal goals!  We have really been working on setting goals in fourth grade and then figuring out how we will reach those goals!

This is a picture of data tracking in our students' data binders.  They are tracking their scores on the PAS test for reading and math.  We will take it one more time this year before the K-PREP test.

This is an example of some personal and academic goals that our students set after Christmas break.  No goal is too big when it is our dream!

This is a display in our fourth grade hallway and students decided on this goal as a grade!  Students are working hard to earn AR vocabulary words as they read AR books.  The mountains show which class is in the lead and the students at the bottom have already earned 100 vocabulary words!