Sunday, July 29, 2012

Awesome Teacher Resources!

The following resources are some great tools to use in the classroom this year!  I got them from attending a couple different professional development sessions- the Kentucky Math Council Conference and the Kentucky Reading Project pd.

FAKEBOOK- I'm going to use this to create study guides throughout the year.  It looks just like a Facebook page and you can "add friends", where I will put key vocabulary.  You can also create a status and add pictures.  This was demonstrated at the math conference and it was really neat and something I think the kids will love!

TEACHING KIDS NEWS- This is a reading resource that is free and has current news articles for kids everything day!  You can choose the genre and the articles have direct ties to reading curriculum standards.  The tasks are even broken down by levels so it could easily be modified to meet the needs of all students.  This may be my new favorite find this year!