Sunday, July 29, 2012

Back to School Night

Parents and students who attend our "Back to School" night will receive a welcome gift for attending- popcorn.  I saw this idea on Pinterest, of course, and made them because it matches our theme.  I also made a magnet with all my contact information to give each parent. 

I'm going to ask parents to answer four questions for me that night and give an assignment for the family to complete together. 

The four questions are:
1. What is/are your goal(s) for your child this year in fourth grade?
2. What are your expectations for me, as your child’s teacher this year? 
3. What has your child enjoyed about school in the past? 
4. What would an ideal classroom look like to best help your child succeed this school year?

The family assignment will create a poster on an 8 x 10 piece of cardstock, which they will get at school, describing their family.  They can use anything they want to create the poster, such as pictures, words only, both- you get the idea.  The child is supposed to bring it back during the first week of school and we will share it with our cast members and then display it.

Popcorn Welcome Gift

Magnet for Parents

Postcard to Welcome Back Students